hey dear!
huhu~suke2 kite je nk dear2 org..hikhikhik... maybe cz lately got some people who always ‘dear’ me..suke2 je kan nk pggl org laen ‘dear’.dgn ‘the gurlz’ laen cite r.kte da mcm2 word da gune kan?bkn takat dear je...betul x cayang??....hahaha.
ok2 lets put that issue aside....ermm dah lama jugak x update blog ni..sebenarnya bnyk kisah & aktiviti nk disahre kn ngan korang semua..tp buat masa ni malas lak nk upload photo2...hehehe..tggu ekk..bila penyakit ”M” tu dah xde nanti saya kongsikan disebalik tabir kisah bulan APRIL...byk kenangan manis tuk diceritakan..yg pastinya kenangan manis tu sentiasa terpahat in my heart...betul laa kn..yg manis harus dikenang..yg pahit buang jauh2..hikhikhik...sebelum tu nk share skit ini kisah...kisah seorg budak nakal..bab kata fara fauzana...hikhikhik(huhh ada ke patut dia ckp aida ni budak nakal...ohhh please...i'm very kind person okey...kak fara kna ubah balik tanggapan kak fara itu....hahhaha...perasan x??)
Sometimes u don't understand me.
sometimes I am what I am.
sometimes I just can't be everything u hope to be,
and sometimes I wish that u could see
I'm not like u,
I'm not like them,
I won't pretend.
cause I am what I am,
it's all I am..
Sometimes I wish that we could agree to disagree.
sometimes I wish that u could see what I see.
this is who I am,
I've always been and I don't think u'll ever understand..
i am an ordinary girl who comes from an ordinary family..i am sensitive, funny(some time kot), happy go lucky, anxious, adorable, caring, mentally strong(ye ker??),and loyal la .....i am a person who also love to cry for something that can hurt me...very & so vulnerable..(more than words to say)..some people fine me to be selfish and overbearing..that isn't the real me anyway...actually, i am a very out going person for those who know me very well...easy to say, my facial expression sometimes can make the people around me thought that i am arrogant…huuhhh ye ke….rasa dah habis mesra alam dah ni…hahhaha....i wonder whyyyy?...is it because of i have a small mouth which looks like i am unfriendly to them...hehe, that's nonsense!!... actually i don't know what to say about myself...maybe u all will know me better...emm it hard but i think who know me they can describe about myself.. up to u how want desribe myself when u now me as a friend....peace…
and...erm,,,i really love to be pampered all the time…dulu2 laa....at campus and school, wherever I go, i will be there with my frenz,sister’s & brother's (kakak2 angt..huhhh ramai tu...)..she's good at pampering people....am i childish?..nooo way, but i love sulking very much(kind of ngade2)...making face is the easiest thing to do to show dissatisfy remark...however, i don't sulk for such a long time..just merely a few hours..."don't sulk la, be happy, smile2, nant cpat tue nant"…...it is not that bad..at least i don't affect the people around me, i don't throw such things when i am angry..i prefer to stay at my room until i can cool myself down...fewhhhhhh
what else eh about me?.."some" people said that, i' m childish physically and mentally...i don't have any idea how true the statement is..maybe yes or maybe not..i should change the way i are then...btw, i am always matured both on the inside and outside..people have mistakenly interpreted me..soon, they will see how mature i am...just wait and see..hehehe..so bab kata elyana..Jadi diriku..hikhikhik

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