Its 31st December 2009. In few more hours i will not have the chance to see the number again. Phewww, time really passes so fast. I feel like im just 25 yrs old who still have many things to observe. I hate goodbyes. No no , people always told me that don’t turn around , just move on kann so hah dont turn :) but i wanna make a fast flashback for this years. Well, its a long journey 2009? there's a lot of memories that im not gonna forget in my life which is all the story i need to tell to all my children and the cucu's cicit one day ;p . Forever. Basically, 2009 gave a lots of memories to me…Ada Canda Tangis Ketawa Duka(C.T.K.D)…ehh cam tajuk album duet terbaru Dato CT & Kris Dayanti lak.. hahahaha…semuanya bakal menjadi kenangan dalam lipatan sejarah hidupku…Rasa cam sedih pun ada…ye laa..cam2 peristiwa yg berlaku dalam tahun ni…2009 start with a happy ending to me…of kosh lorrrr…everthing seem soo fast..bukan kumpulan sofazr tau..hahahha
AND then…One thing I can’t forget this year is about..when i meet SOMEONE...some0ne i love.. someone i care...of kosh laa about YOU...everything will changes after i meet you...a lots of memories with U in this year...da most unforgettable moment was when first time you bring me to ur house & meet ur famly...and at the same time..u share story about everthing with me..sad story..happy story...about famly...about tutttt.. and blaablaablaa..huhuhuhu..till midnight we all story mory then sweet... sedangkan that time baru 1 weeks kita knl...but after that we know ecah other & lebih close till time to start a new life here..dat past year i was soo'm happy...terasa jugak diri disayangi..coz i get new famly here..tuk tumpang bermanja & tumpang kasih sayang..hahahhaa...SO..i wanna give a very BIG HUGGG to adik ku tercyng...QISTINA...Thanks for brighten up every seconds of my days... :D and also thanks for being my good sister for me... Andddd the journey continue ..
So..I'm just hoping dat 2010 will gives more miracles & happiness...May God bless us...AMIN...Thanks to all people in my life dat had be wit me all off next year and this mom, my dad, my bro, my sisters, my famly, my dearest sister qistina & famly, my bestfren, my fren and semua laa...fer make my day bright!!! I love u all sooo muchhhh...Now let's hope that our life will continue change beautifully through next year...Anyway start your new year with smlie not with tear's ok???...Say GOODBYE 2009....And HELLO 2010..
Ya Allah,sahabatku buah hatiku.Mesra kami penawar duka.Rindu kami menambah cinta.Rajuk kami membuah ceria.Ya Allah,silaturrahim kami ukhuwwah fillah.Bermusuh kami nauzubillah.Berpisah mati insyaALLAH.Pengubat hati doa Rabtah.Ya Allah,rahmati kami meniti usia.Terpisah kami di alam nyata.Temukan semula di taman Syurga…Renung-Renungkan & Selamat Beramal…
Aida Arisya In D' House

Pada Yang Esa kupohon... agar apa saja yang kubicara, tidak menjadi racun untuk sesiapa, tetapi penawar hati dan budi. Pada Mu Tuhanku... kupohon kekuatan agar jejariku mampu untuk menghulurkan sesuatu, yang akan menjadi halwa minda buat yang membaca bisikan hatiku. Berbicara setulus kata. Berkata dari hearty yg indah berbahasa..~ Kata-kata bukan dusta tp, patah-patah yg puitis ikhlas dari jiwa yg ada!! BlOg ini memberi peluang insan yg kerdil menuturkan bicara seketika selagi ada dayanya!!~ SEUKIR SAYANG, SECANGKIR KASIH, & SEKELUMIT CHENTA!!~
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