Aida Arisya In D' House

Aida Arisya In D' House

Pada Yang Esa kupohon... agar apa saja yang kubicara, tidak menjadi racun untuk sesiapa, tetapi penawar hati dan budi. Pada Mu Tuhanku... kupohon kekuatan agar jejariku mampu untuk menghulurkan sesuatu, yang akan menjadi halwa minda buat yang membaca bisikan hatiku. Berbicara setulus kata. Berkata dari hearty yg indah berbahasa..~ Kata-kata bukan dusta tp, patah-patah yg puitis ikhlas dari jiwa yg ada!! BlOg ini memberi peluang insan yg kerdil menuturkan bicara seketika selagi ada dayanya!!~ SEUKIR SAYANG, SECANGKIR KASIH, & SEKELUMIT CHENTA!!~



~My Pinky Gedget~

on Friday, June 17, 2011

I can't imagine what my life would be without this 3 thing;
My Lovely Laptop, Hp & PSP
This is an ongoing series of blog posts where I will feature an item or collection in my life that is important to me. These are the items that I can’t see myself downsizing, the ones that I love and that would make it through even the most stringent minimalist downsizing. This entry almost seemed to obvious to make, but that only shows how much this item has affected my life...

{First} My Laptop
Without my lapy i can't live a single its my best friend...Kemana saja mesti bawa...even kna tinggal beberapa jam..bila balik rumah benda pertama saya buka adalah my lapy...hahaha...My lapy is, in many ways, the center of my world. It's where I write, where I blog, where I journal, store my photo and where I communicate with friends. I play games on it, watch TV on it, and read the news on it. And also I read book on my lapy, look at art on my lapy, listen to music from my lapy, I pay bills from my lapy, manage checking and savings on my lapy...
If I'm not shopping for groceries, I'm probably shopping online..but tak boleh d amalkan selalu..hehehe...sometime bahaya jugak shopping online laa apa yang kita lihat d dalam gambar tak seindah yang real...kadangkala laa kan...bab kata orang indah kabar dari rupa..hee..melainkan blog shopping yang kita dah familiar & dah tau kesahihan kewujudan dia..baru boleh percaya I ryte???
Choppp lawa x background desktop lapy saya...heee
The truth is, I can't imagine my life without laptop...I can (and do) ignore it, sometimes even for a day or two, but it's always there when I come back...waiting...I will always have a lapy, and that is the truth. And just a that is true, it is gradually harder for me to imagine life without a laptop...

{Two} My Handphone
Handphone today is definitely more than just a phone. It is also an organizer, clock, camera, recorder, alarm, note pad, reminder, radio, mp3, video, mobile tv, entertainment, news update sources, internet access and more than you can imagine... Handphone indeed play an important role in our life. Some people can live without it, some cant...It depends on how much you depend on your handphone..Handphone is very useful especially during emergency. For people who stay far away from their family (like me!!), handphone is a good way to keep in touch..

For me I don't mind not having a phone for a while. I'm not really a heavy user so i guess it's okay for me, and there's always the internet to communicate with people!! unless I'm outside and it's an emergency or if i need to contact people then i might need a phone..

{Three} My PSP
And this is one gadget i really2 love (ni someone hadiahkan sempena my besday :) i'm loving it!!)...dulu saya ni kaki game jugak laaa..habis semua game di masukkn..x muat satu memory card bli lagi dah ada 2 memory..semua game penuh :P...kiranya dulu mana2 pun mesti bawa benda alah dah jarang main...busy ngan macam-macam hal sampai tak sempat nak main..sometime tak tau pun PSP tu tak de kalu time2 tension & bosan2 main jugak laa..nk hilangkn tension bab kata orang..nak2 game paling ku minat..hehehe


sherotpetot said...

aloh2 shomel nyer
mau satu
hehehehe :)

anna said...

jelesnye ngan best lau leh jdi cam awk...

Aida Arisya said...

Sherotpetot - nk satu..ish ada satu jer,,hikhikhik

Anna - lorr jeles knp ni...

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