Aida Arisya In D' House

Aida Arisya In D' House

Pada Yang Esa kupohon... agar apa saja yang kubicara, tidak menjadi racun untuk sesiapa, tetapi penawar hati dan budi. Pada Mu Tuhanku... kupohon kekuatan agar jejariku mampu untuk menghulurkan sesuatu, yang akan menjadi halwa minda buat yang membaca bisikan hatiku. Berbicara setulus kata. Berkata dari hearty yg indah berbahasa..~ Kata-kata bukan dusta tp, patah-patah yg puitis ikhlas dari jiwa yg ada!! BlOg ini memberi peluang insan yg kerdil menuturkan bicara seketika selagi ada dayanya!!~ SEUKIR SAYANG, SECANGKIR KASIH, & SEKELUMIT CHENTA!!~



~Bila Rindu~

on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Honestly, after my family, my friends come second (it's because they always said, "family first."). I miss my friends so much for the fact that we are now far from each other and haven't met each other for a long time. I still remember the old times (sounded like decades had passed) when we were hanging out together, eating while talking about boys and girlie stuffs. I enjoyed myself so much that times. When I was having my rough times, I knew I would be alright because they were always there for me. They were ready to support me or hold me when I was falling down. Everytime I was having difficult choices or bad situation, no matter how sad I am, trust me, they were always there for me. I don't think I can get better friends than them. They accpeted me for who I am, arguing with me for my own good and share the laughter when I was happy. I don't deny that my new friend are okay, too, but they were different. They think they knew me but they don't! Thay are much more sensitive and sometimes, I was holding myself for being who I am for not wanting to hurt their feelings (I know I alwayys did that eventhough I'm holding myself). I don't really care about holding myself because I'm such a good actress sometimes. It's not that I pretend or what because I'm really sincere to be their friends. I just want to tell you guys how much I love and miss you guys. Thanks for being my friends and I really appreciate this friendship. The friendship that can't be bought anywhere in the world! Thanks guys^^!


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