11 March 2011
8.8 pada skala Richter…
Tsunami setinggi 13kaki…
dan amaran Tsunami dikeluarkan dibeberapa negara termasuk Australia, new zealand, Mexico, chile, Hawaii, Peru, Philippines, Guam, Marshall Islands, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Nauru, Micronesia, Mexico, Selatan dan Tengah Amerika, Pantai Barat Amerika, Barat pulau Alaska dan Russia…
Kalau dulu di Aceh, sekarang sedang Hot di Jepun.. Tsunami... Walaupun mereka mempunyai teknologi yang canggih, tapi tak mampu juga untuk menahan kuasa Allah..
Kita di Malaysia sepatutnya mempunyai rasa kesyukuran yang teramat sangat kerana tidak pernah diuji sedemikian rupa. Memang kita tidak sanggup untuk menerima ujian sebegini, tapi jika sudah takdir.. Redho sajalah.
Apabila kita disuruh bersyukur.. Ramai orang akan berkata "syukurrrr" lalu diringi dengan sebutan "Alhamdulillah". Adakah itu benar-benar bersyukur pada Allah. Pengertian sebenar bersyukur ialah "meninggalkan perkra yang di larang dan menghidupkan apa yang disuruh oleh Allah." Itulah sebenar-benarnya orang yang bersyukur pada Allah.
Jadi mulai hari ini, saya menyeru diri saya dan rakan yang membaca blog ini agar dapat kita menambahkan kesyukuran kita pada Allah. Dengan mengurangkan atau memberhentikan tabiat-tabiat buruk yang dilarang oleh Allah serta dapat memperbanyakkan amalan-amalan baik yang disuruh oleh Allah.
Lihat you tube Tsunami di Jepun, semoga kita mendapat pengajaran dari apa yang berlaku pada orang lain untuk menambahkan lagi rasa kesyukuran kita pada Allah.
Live coverage from BBC News
LIVE update dari BBC boleh diikuti di SINI
Berita dan Gambar; baca lanjut di SINI
Japanese television showed cars, ships and even buildings being swept away by a vast wall of water after the 8.9 magnitude earthquake.PS : Apabila ALLAH S.W.T memberikan peringatan kepada manusia!!!Sama2 laa kita doakan keselamatan umat manusia d sana & seluruh dunia..amin
The quake has sparked fires in several areas including Tokyo, and numerous casualties are feared.
It struck about 250 miles (400km) from the capital at a depth of 20 miles. There have been powerful aftershocks.
The tremor at 1446 local time (0546 GMT). Seismologists say it is one of the largest earthquakes to hit Japan for many years.
The tsunami warning was extended to the Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan, the Pacific coast of Russia and Hawaii.
Tsunami waves hit Japan's Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures, officials said.
Japan's NHK television showed a massive surge of debris-filled water sweeping away buildings, cars and ships and reaching far inland.
The earthquake also triggered a number of fires, including one at an oil refinery in Ichihara city in Chiba prefecture near Tokyo.
There were reports of about 20 people injured in Tokyo after the roof of a hall collapsed onto a graduation ceremony.
Bullet train service to northern Japan was halted, rapid transit in Tokyo was suspended and some nuclear power plants automatically shut down.
Huge Japan quake causes tsunami, fires, landslide
TOKYO – A magnitude 8.9 earthquake slammed Japan's eastern coast Friday, unleashing a 13-foot (4-meter) tsunami that swept boats, cars, buildings and tons of debris miles inland. Fires triggered by the quake burned out of control up and down the coast, including one at an oil refinery.
At least one person was killed and there were reports of several injuries in Tokyo, hundreds of miles (kilometers) away, where buildings shook violently through the main quake and the wave of massive aftershocks that followed. A tsunami warning was issued for dozens of Pacific countries, as far away as Chile.
Japan's meteorological agency said that within two hours, large tsunamis washed ashore into dozens of cities along a 1,300-mile (2,100-kilometer) stretch of the country's eastern shore — from the northern island of Hokkaido to central Wakayama prefecture.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the quake caused "major damage in broad areas" but nuclear power plants in the area were not affected. The government prepared to send troops to the quake-hit areas.
"This is a rare major quake, and damages could quickly rise by the minute," said Junichi Sawada, an official with Japan's Fire and Disaster Management Agency.

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