Thank you so so much!!! I pray you all would keep me in your hearts forever and carry on showering same love good wishes.
It just words, well maybe it just a simple word.
But for me it not just a word. It something more than that.
THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart.
Yeah really Thankful
Yer sangat berterima kasih
Allah s.w.t , masih memberi saya peluang untuk hidup dan berubah.
Family , support me in every single way especially ma & baba sayaaaa. Sayang mereka,rindu mereka, cinta mereka.
My dearest sis qis , walaupun kite jauh on that day, susah sgt nak jumpe, tapi u alwys in my heart.Thx for everything,i love u, no word can describe it.
Shylla Amzah , thank you adikku for the sweet video besday wish tepat kul12am on my besday…I love u more laa baby…u touch my heart..*hug*
Hunny Madu , thank u for doa & know what??u are the first person wish me via phone tgh2 mlm..hikhikhik…u are so sweet soul sister I have…Sayang awak banyak2 coz u laa satu2nya yg wish via phone, FB & twitter…I heart u sayanggg…(p/s: u promise something for me kn…yeayy)
Leya Hotfm , thx for the besday song u sing onair for me kat hotfm on my besday…Ucapan yang sgt indah untuk seorg kawan. Terharuuuu nk nangisss rase…tq darling..u make me smile.
Tiz Zaqyah , tq for the wish..wotttt wottt 1st time tiz wish besdayku rasa nk lompat2 cam kanak2 rebina lak...tq to dayah sbb bgtau tiz…hahaha
Maria Elena Zarul , baru nk sedih coz ingtkn u lupa my besday..akhirnya tersenyum balik after dapat SMS you…thanksss my dearest fren…thnks for doa & wish…tq for da friendship..*much love*
Betty Rahmad , walaupun kakak lambat wish 2jam lebih from my besday…apa2 pun tq kakakku sayang coz dlm busy2 pun smpt wish…I love u kakak gojes…
Melda Ahmad , Thanksss a lot adikku..still ingt my besday...thanks for the wish....
Kawan2 bagi wish through message. U guys awesome sebab sudi habiskan kredit untuk message saya. :)
Kawan2 fb & twitter, thx for all the wish. U guys awesome jugak. jenuh membalas but sangat happy sebab masih ade yang ingat. (walaupun ade mention kat fb tu ehek).
Dari hati seorang hamba Allah dengan rendah dirinya, saya ucapkan TERIMA KASIH atas semua ucapan2 yang telah dilampirkan. Anda semua hebat. Betul neh. :) Semoga hidup anda semua lebih diberkati oleh Allah s.w.t. aminn.. :)
Last But Not Least nak wish besday to my dearest sister Qistina..same besday with me..You are so dear to me in so many ways…I’m wishing you the best on this special day..wish you blissful, bountiful and healthy life as you walk through your journey..Just keep on smiling and keep believing urself..Stay as young,healthy sexy and as wealthy as you can..GOD BLESS
This year birthday I did not celebrate partying or get together. Becoz of …… malas nk story…hahahaha….Alhamdulillah, still breathing and enjoying life..
Thank u Allah
OK just chill ur day to watch this awesome video from my adik...Shylla Amzah

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