rinduuuuuuu rindu serindu rindu nyaaaaa.
hahaha. nyanyi la pulak kan. hahaha.
okay mood sekarang, currently missing someone. yess someone. not a few people but only one people.
haihhh. i'm missing the old someone. yess the old one. not this new one.
because for me she/he has changed a lot. but never mind. people changed.
itu lah masalah saya. saya tak berapa sukakan perubahan. haiiihhh.
kamon lah, we live in a big community, takkan nak selfish pulak kan.
i believe that everything happens for a reason...
and i also believe that everyone do something for a certain reason...
so, yeah. i kinda miss someone. (:
sometimes you care,
but sometimes you don't...
sometimes you make things easily,
but sometimes you don't....
sometimes you comfort me,
but sometimes you don't....
sometimes you cheer up my day,
but sometimes you don't....
sometimes you make me laugh,
but sometimes you don't...
sometimes you put a smile on my face,
but sometimes you don't....
sometimes you make me feel special,
but sometimes you don't....
sometimes you wanna be with me,
but sometimes you don't...
sometimes you miss me,
but sometimes you don't...
sometimes you would take me to your world,
but sometimes you just don't....
there's too many uncertain things in my life,
but which one do i have to buy???
which side am i in now???
i don't even know...
i wish you could tell me....
but that doesn't matter much to me...
coz you're still here with me..... =)
that's it for now. byeee.
much love,

ollaaaaaaaaaaaaa mira singgah sini bace entry nih ehheheheh
terima kasih mira
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