Last Sunday (15th Mei 2011) was spent in an extraordinary way. My housmate, beberapa kenalan & i go to Zoo Negara for Khidmat Masyarakat...Seawal 7am kami ke sana..that was Fun be a part of them..macam-macam perkara yang kami buat..bersihkan kandang, pameran, sediakan makanan & kasi makan haiwan...walaupun penat & berpeluh tapi besttt sangat..hope next time ada masa lg nk buat semua ni...yang penting satu zoo kami dapat jelajah..tu laa best jd volunteer kat dari ari minggu tu korang duk melepak jer kat rmh buat kerja2 yg x berfaedah baik dtg zoo..dapat gak ilmu, excercise, pengalaman..yg penting makin menyayangi haiwan...seharian kami kat sana..pukul 6pm baru balik...heee..actually...during working hour can't take any picture ...time rest, lunch & after kerja je boleh amk gambar & jalan2 :)
Ok, good thing about our new duty was the ability to walk all around the zoo. Honestly, there was not much trash anyway so we enjoyed observing the animals and took some photos instead.
Wild-Wild Animal In The Zoo
*Additional Info*
Zoo Negara not only accepts group volunteers but also individual volunteers and it could be done not only during weekends but also weekdays. If interested, call
03-4108 3422 to set an appointment or you could just walk-in. Make sure you come before 8:00 am because voluntary works need to start early before the zoo opens at 9:00 am daily
Finished Our Duty yeayyy
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