Hi there!
Most of my friends knew that this year's Aidilfitri is not as great as I had last year. But that's okay, I really had fun with my relatives during the first day of raya. I didn't get too much duit raya and this is so like (N).
Yeahs, most of my uncles and aunties said you working & no duit raya..hikhikhik…but ada gak auntie yg kasi…nak-nak sedara sedara ayah..phewww untung orang yang tak berapa nk tinggi ni kn..but bila I cakap..”eh dah besar-besar ni dapat jugak ker?” katanya “it’s ok..bukan selalu..setahun sekali..buat main-main” hahaha boleh pulak buat main-main ekk..
I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all my friends from far and wide a happy and joyous celebration. Please accept my forgiveness for any wrong doings which I may have caused you, directly or indirectly. May you gain happiness and give forgiveness in this special time. Stay safe, be merry and enjoy the cool tidings!
p/s : Intro dulu..next entry baru story

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